Page name: Death Note Game Members [Logged in view] [RSS]
2018-02-02 02:57:54
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1. [Mortified Penguin]
2. [Sagacious Turkey]

Current Rules:

The game will be divided into two teams: The majority of players will be Task Force members and a smaller group will be Kira Supporters. Both sides will have a leader. The leader of the Task Force will be L. The leader of the Kira Supporters will be Kira. Everyone else will be sorted into either of the two groups. The main objective for everyone is to get rid of the members of the opposing group as well as their leader. Everyone will be assigned a role, which will be kept secret from everyone else.

Voting: Each round, everyone will vote for who they think Kira is, or, if you’re a supporter, you’ll secretly try to vote for L or a task force member while claiming you’re trying to find Kira. To vote, place your name under the person you’re voting for and place an asterisk beside their name. At the end of the round, the person with the most votes will be arrested and removed from the game.

So you’ve been assigned a position… but what do you do?

Kira: Your main objective is to find and kill L. You have the option of obtaining the Shinigami Eyes. Just ask the game master for the eyes. With the eyes, you’ll be able to ask the game master about one person each round. The game master will tell you whether or not that person is L, a task member, or a supporter. There is a downside to obtaining the eyes… you’ll be killed automatically in two rounds. Of course, if you don’t want the eyes, then don’t ask for them. Each round, you’ll be able to kill one person of your choice. Tell the game master who you wish to die and they will. Also, you must choose a new Kira in case you are killed. If the new Kira you have chosen turn out to be a member of the Task Force, then both you and your supporters lose the game. Otherwise, the person you have chosen will take over for you once you die.

Kira Supporter: Your main objective is to help Kira out by tricking the Task Force members into arresting themselves and hopefully L. You will have a secret wiki where you can talk with other Kira supporters and make plans. Your goal should be to convince everyone else to arrest each other. However, you will not be made aware of who Kira is, so when you vote on the main page, you might accidentally get him arrested.

L: Your main objective is to arrest Kira. As L, you have the ability to investigate one person each round. Ask the game master about one person, and their status as either an ally, enemy, or Kira will be revealed. Your job is to find and convince the members of the task force who to vote for. You must choose up to two successors before you are killed or else the game will be lost. If the person(s) you choose to take over for you turns out to be Kira or a supporter, you lose the game.

Task Force member: Your main objective is to arrest who you think Kira is. Each round, you and your teammates will cast your votes for who you think is Kira. If you accidentally arrest L, before he has chosen his successor(s), then your team will lose.

Everyone, no matter what position you are assigned, will vote once per round on the main page. Your goal should be to fool the others into thinking you’re just a Task Force member.

Death Note Game

Username (or number or email):


2008-07-22 [Mortified Penguin]: I'm thinking that if enough people actually sign up, I'll start a Death Note game sort of like the werewolf game. Instead of villagers, wolves, seers, and angels, it could involve Kira, supporters, L, and the task force... I guess one person could be sort of like the seer and have shinigami eyes. If either Kira or L dies, without assigning a member to take over their title, then one team loses... or something to that effect. But, like I said... I'll only start it if enough people sign up... which I doubt they will, because nobody seems to like me or my games... *eats ramen*...

2008-07-22 [Tingis]: death note ♥

2008-07-22 [Mortified Penguin]: Death Note rules...

2008-07-22 [Imperator]: I don't get it.

2008-07-22 [Mortified Penguin]: Neither do I! Just add your name! *has a gun in his hand*

2008-07-22 [Imperator]: That didn't help my understanding. *has a cookie in his hand*

2008-07-22 [Mortified Penguin]: Sh*t! A cookie! *drops the gun and backs away*

2008-07-22 [Imperator]: *eats cookie*

2008-07-22 [Mortified Penguin]: *dives behind a conveniently placed lead wall*

2008-07-22 [Imperator]: *dives into a conveniently placed swimming pool for a swim*

2008-07-22 [Mortified Penguin]: Hey! Get out of my waste dump!

2008-07-22 [Imperator]: *eats you with my newly grown tentacles*

2008-07-22 [Mortified Penguin]: *gives you indigestion*

2008-07-22 [Tingis]: uhu, this really is like death note guys :D

2008-07-22 [Mortified Penguin]: Quiet you... I'm being digested right now! ...go sign up!

2008-07-22 [Imperator]: *throws up your half digested carcass*

This is like death note? I'm good!

2008-07-22 [Tingis]: No, It's been too long since I read them, don't remember much =(
it was sarcasm Imperator :D but go on enjoying yourselves.

2008-07-22 [Imperator]: but go on enjoying yourselves

That's what she said!

2008-07-22 [Mortified Penguin]: *high fives some homeless guy*

2008-07-22 [Tingis]: I know a story of a homeless guy, who's leg is black and the insects crawl out :D and he still walks around! doesn't that make you sad =(

2008-07-22 [Mortified Penguin]: That's... awesome! I wish I had a black leg... then I could get scholarships...

2008-07-22 [Tingis]: and beer.

2008-07-22 [Mortified Penguin]: Oh great... now my brief description has fallen off the page...

2008-07-22 [Tingis]: Oops, are you going to punish us? D:

2008-07-22 [Mortified Penguin]: Yes. With whips... and whipped cream!

2008-07-22 [Avatar15]: Sounds interesting... what kind of game?
I lost it, if anyone gets that part. (._.)

2008-07-22 [Imperator]: I pretty much threw up when you talked about insects coming out of this guy's leg... I'm pretty sure I won't be signing up for this game anymore. *takes whipped cream*

2008-07-22 [Mortified Penguin]: I'll make the rules later... first, read the small description and add your name.

2008-07-22 [The Dizzy Raven]: This sounds promising ^_^

2008-07-22 [Imperator]: *makes no promises*

2008-07-22 [The Dizzy Raven]: I'm talking about the wiki

2008-07-23 [Imperator]: *doesn't talk about about the wiki*

2008-07-23 [The Dizzy Raven]: you're rather odd lol
Wasn't the owner just on..or did he(or she) log off?

2008-07-23 [Mortified Penguin]: ...yo. ...*eats ramen*... *pulls out an unnecessarily oversized gun*... what have I told you people?! Go add your names to that list!

2008-07-23 [Imperator]: Your face is rather odd! Ooooooo! BURN!

You dropped the issue the last time I had a cookie so...
*pulls out an unnecessarily oversized box of cookies*

2008-07-23 [The Dizzy Raven]: geez, you're mean.

Alright, I'll add my name. At the current moment, I am creating a wiki fully devoted to Death Note itself

2008-07-23 [Mortified Penguin]: Cookies?! *grabs Illadriel and shields himself with her*... do your worst, sucka'!

2008-07-23 [The Dizzy Raven]: *moves Penguin aside and brings out her death note and a pen. She begins to carefully open it, preparing to write.* Now...which one is first...

2008-07-23 [Mortified Penguin]: Ooo! Pick me! Pick me!

2008-07-23 [The Dizzy Raven]: *begins to write vigorously*

2008-07-23 [Mortified Penguin]: Oh yeah?! Well I'll take this chip... and eat it! *eats the chip dramatically, as sparkles eminate from it*

2008-07-23 [The Dizzy Raven]: *shakes head in disgust* Done...*closes the notebook and sighs*

2008-07-23 [Mortified Penguin]: NOOO!! ...*the mysterious sparkles from the chip catch my clothes on fire*... *is burned alive*...

2008-07-23 [Imperator]: *eats cheetos because they are better than any ol' chip*

What did you write Illadriel?

2008-07-23 [The Dizzy Raven]: to find other victims...*walks away laughing sinisterly* An ordeal world...

2008-07-23 [Mortified Penguin]: *charred corpse*... yeah, but do your fancy cheetos sparkle?!

2008-07-23 [The Dizzy Raven]: No... lol *begins chatting with invisible shinigami*

2008-07-23 [Imperator]: They don't have to. The cheese is better than any ol' sparkle.

*is scared of Illadriel*

2008-07-23 [The Dizzy Raven]: Oh, be afraid...*laughs malevolently and then gives shinigami and apple. the apple vanishes*

2008-07-23 [Imperator]: What's a shinigami?! Wait! I know, it's a... What is it?

2008-07-23 [The Dizzy Raven]: ..? a death god...

2008-07-23 [Imperator]: Death god smeath god. The U.S. military is the death god for terrorists.

2008-07-23 [The Dizzy Raven]: lol indeed

2008-07-23 [Imperator]: lol-ing is fun and good for your health too. :-)

2008-07-23 [The Dizzy Raven]: yep ^^ lol

*hands shinigami another apple and mutters something to it*

2008-07-23 [Imperator]: Speak up! No mumbling! *slap*

2008-07-23 [Mortified Penguin]: *arises from the grave*... *sells mushrooms to children*... hey, kids! Who wants to see some pretty colors?!

2008-07-23 [The Dizzy Raven]: hey! no slapping a girl! be respectful! lol

Eh... not me...

2008-07-23 [Imperator]: You're a girl? I couldn't tell. Ooooo! BURN!

I like pretty colors... What's the catch?

2008-07-23 [The Dizzy Raven]: My username says it all. And what's with you and the word "burn"? You should marry it

2008-07-23 [Mortified Penguin]: There's no catch! ...*peels the "May cause death if ingested" stickers off the mushrooms*...

2008-07-23 [Imperator]: I like humor. And burn opportunities keep popping up!

*eats a mushroom but the glue remnants catch on my throat and chokes me to death*

2008-07-23 [The Dizzy Raven]: Heh...whatever suites you *talks with shinigami*

2008-07-23 [Mortified Penguin]: *steals your wallet as you lay dying*

2008-07-23 [The Dizzy Raven]: Good move

2008-07-23 [Imperator]: Yes, I love chess.

2008-07-23 [Mortified Penguin]: I always forget and send my king into the line of fire (that's right! Pawns have guns these days!)...

2008-07-23 [Imperator]: At least the other guy has to let you know if you're going to lose your king so you can't make a mistake! lol

2008-07-23 [Mortified Penguin]: I wish my king was a polygamist... imagine how many queens you could get!

2008-07-23 [Sagacious Turkey]: ...*does mushrooms*...

2008-07-23 [Mortified Penguin]: Like I keep saying before I get pelted with cookies... Sign up, darn you people!

2008-07-23 [hopscotchnerd]: were all just here for the conversation

2008-07-23 [Hiuko]: How many people are you looking for anyway?

2008-07-23 [The Dizzy Raven]: lol ^^

2008-07-23 [Tingis]: Yeah, I'm just your biggest fan.

2008-07-23 [The Dizzy Raven]: who's biggest fan?

2008-07-23 [Tingis]: Everyone who wants me to be :D

2008-07-23 [The Dizzy Raven]: lol ^_^

2008-07-23 [hopscotchnerd]: so exactly how does this work?

2008-07-23 [Hiuko]: Like a genie, ask her and it will be so. Kinda, am I right?

2008-07-23 [Tingis]: Yes, I'm just a wonderful genie !

2008-07-23 [Mortified Penguin]: The rules seem confusing, yes, but once you are assigned a position it should all make sense... of course, I still need a few more people to sign up first. If you find any kind of error in the current rules, inform me...

2008-07-23 [hopscotchnerd]: we need to understand the rules before we can tell you if there is a error in them

2008-07-23 [Mortified Penguin]: Makes sense... well... tell me if you ever understand them!

2008-07-23 [Hiuko]: Two questions. One where do we try to convnce everyone that we are task force members and two how do we obtain or positions. Do we just ask and first come first serve or what?

2008-07-23 [hopscotchnerd]: is kira made awar of her suporters? and vis versa

2008-07-23 [Mortified Penguin]: The main game will be held at Death Note Game whenever I get enough people signed up... you get your positions when the game master, me, tells you what position you'll be. It'll be random.

2008-07-23 [Mortified Penguin]: Nope. Kira won't be made aware of his or her supporters and they won't be made aware of Kira.

2008-07-23 [hopscotchnerd]: so noe one has a fucking clue who is who?


2008-07-23 [Mortified Penguin]: Kira can, however, discover who his or her supporters are. If Kira asks for the shinigami eyes, then he or she will be able to see one person per turn until death.

2008-07-23 [Blood Sucking Beauty]: ok is this an rp or what?

2008-07-23 [Mortified Penguin]: Sort of, but not really... it's more of a game than an RP.

2008-07-23 [Hiuko]: It will make things more exciting although once everyone has found each other it is only a matter of telling which supporter is really Kira and which task force member is really L. Unless they are really good and the Kira person hides with the task force and secretly has the supporters kill them off one by one. It will all come down to the final calls unless everyone gets lucky and wins the game early or the person playing L or Kira screws up too quickly.

2008-07-23 [hopscotchnerd]: why yes it is, are you an evil monkey slave driver?!?!?!?!?

2008-07-23 [hopscotchnerd]: *glare*

2008-07-23 [Hiuko]: I might be... although I like Llama's more. More conservative, protective, and they are leaders of the animal kingdom. Llamas lead sheep and alpaca much better than sheep dogs.

2008-07-23 [hopscotchnerd]: no, i meant he's an evil monkey who is a slave driver

2008-07-23 [Hiuko]: oh. Well I still like Llamas more than monkeys or slaves. As a matter of fact I'm against slavery and although evolved from apes which are related to monkeys I wouln't call myself as one of the members of the species that throws their own feces (may be spelled wrong). It rymes heehee.

2008-07-23 [Blood Sucking Beauty]: *blinks*

2008-07-23 [hopscotchnerd]: well why not!?!?!?!?!?!?! you dont like throwing poo at peoples????

2008-07-23 [twitchboy]: im so joining....but do i have to wait for even numbers?

2008-07-23 [twitchboy]: so the whole point is that we are killing one person per turn. The supporters are pretending to try and kill kira when they ar really picking off task force or L. While the force is straight out trying to get rid of kira....right?

2008-07-23 [hopscotchnerd]: no, just join

2008-07-23 [Mortified Penguin]: Right... but like aidanmnky said... join.

2008-07-23 [Mortified Penguin]: I'll probably see if I can get at least 15 people first...

2008-07-24 [Eloura]: Umm hello

2008-07-24 [Hiuko]: ... Hello, 15!?, and the throwing poop I don't mind it's just the fact that I have to grab it with my bare hands that makes it less than desirable.

2008-07-24 [Mortified Penguin]: Or maybe at least 12... that's just 3 more people! Go advertise, punks! ...*eats ramen*...

2008-07-24 [Avatar15]: -_- Why did the members arrangement move? o< *ocd*

2008-07-24 [Eloura]: *looks about shiftily*

2008-07-24 [Hiuko]: Doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo. That was twilight zone if you didn't get the doos in the right pattern in your head right away.

2008-07-24 [hopscotchnerd]: what wrong with 15? Ifwe can get 9in a day, we should be able to get 6 easy everyone here get someone else to join, then we'll have 18, all the better!

2008-07-24 [Eloura]: To join or not to join THAT is the question

2008-07-24 [Mortified Penguin]: *mysterious voice says "join"!*

2008-07-24 [Eloura]: *laughs and replies to the "mysterious voice* Ok!

2008-07-24 [Mortified Penguin]: *mysterious voice hold a gun to your head*... *"That's what the **** I thought!" it shouts*...

2008-07-24 [Eloura]: *lauhs and turns the gun on the ysterious voice* Yea yea thats wha they all say

2008-07-24 [Mortified Penguin]: *mysterious voice explodes*

2008-07-24 [Eloura]: *giggles at mysterious voice exploding*

2008-07-24 [Hiuko]: Hey it's the disembodied voice... can I have your autograph!?

2008-07-24 [Mortified Penguin]: *voice lies on the ground, in pieces*... aaanyway... Sign up, Eloura! And everyone else... find someone else to sign up!

2008-07-24 [Eloura]: AYE AYE CAPITAIN!!!

2008-07-24 [hopscotchnerd]: yea! Every one else joined

2008-07-24 [Duke Devlin]: Okay, I'd so join.. But the lack of understanding. :P

2008-07-24 [Mortified Penguin]: Excuses, excuses...

2008-07-24 [Duke Devlin]: ... :P

2008-07-24 [Hiuko]: ... what don't you understand?

2008-07-24 [Duke Devlin]: Oh I just don't know much about Death Note, but I have recently been informed.. that this is essentially like the WG.

2008-07-24 [Hiuko]: WG?

2008-07-25 [Eloura]: hey.. i had my name up there and now it's gone..

2008-07-25 [Mortified Penguin]: What?! ...sounds like you should put it back up there...

2008-07-25 [Eloura]: Yea ... *twitchs nose*

2008-07-25 [hopscotchnerd]: this is great, its almost as if MP is tricking us all into joining

2008-07-25 [Mortified Penguin]: ...heh heh heh... suckers... er, I mean, join!

2008-07-25 [Hiuko]: <insert twilight zome music here with shifty eye movements from some guy in the cornor that no one noticed yet>

2008-07-25 [Eloura]: *giggles and applaudes*

2008-07-26 [Duke Devlin]: Oh My God! MORT!!! I thought you were gonna keep that inconspicuous guy in the corner, in the corner of Bob's Diner! D:<

2008-07-26 [Eloura]: *laughs*

2008-07-27 [Hiuko]: I want to poke the corner guy but everytime you poke the corner guy he eats 1/4th of your soul.... that makes me sad.

2008-07-27 [Imperator]: Sounds like a dementor...

2008-07-27 [Mortified Penguin]: Only 1/4th...? ...he sounds weak.

2008-07-27 [Eloura]: normally the guy in te corner eats all of your soul

2008-07-31 [nokaredes]: I would play but I'll be incommunicado in two or three weeks >_>

2008-08-01 [Mortified Penguin]: You and your "army" excuses...

2008-08-01 [Hiuko]: Normally he eats a whole soul but this coner guy is on a diet....

2008-08-02 [hopscotchnerd]: so when does this round end?????? when are we all going to be killed by kira and L

2008-08-04 [Imperator]: So, BTW everyone, the game has started on the actual... um... game page.

2008-08-04 [Mortified Penguin]: Darn people... sign up for stuff and then forget all about it. ...*eats ramen*...

2008-08-04 [Imperator]: Well, actually I just wasn't watching the game page so it took me a few days to figure it out...

2018-02-01 [Mortified Penguin]: These rules need to be tweaked...

2018-02-02 [Mortified Penguin]: Maybe L should get to designate two replacements...

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